Monday, September 30, 2013


Sergei Yudin - Kishlak in Novy Margelan
Sergei Yudin - Kishlak in Novy Margelan (1893)

Waking up in the dream

At the moment we are living in a time that will display the very best and the very worst in humans with a widening gap between the two aspects in all levels of society as we become increasingly polarized in groups according to our conduct and choices in Life.

It is a process of separation between the asleep person from the awake.
Yes, a trend is emerging - questions arises during dreams and about dreams...
What are we exploring really?
People recounting their lucid dream experiences (or "out of body" experiences) all that which lead us to question the "awaken state" ; what we call "reality" and then you suddenly start to look at dream in another way - because in a way "reality" is very similar to dreaming - but slower.

Deeper Dream

A mind shift starts to happen when you then think that dreaming is just another reality - then it hits you like a ton of brick : what we call "Reality" is just a "deeper dream" - then you can see paradoxes, there are meaning - but in dreams some interesting things are taking for granted : Telepathy is there, you can fly, you can teleport, anything pretty much appears the moment you want it. Have you ever noticed, how many things that we are trying to recreates in this dimension we call "reality" are these abilities we have inherently have in dreams - devices to help us fly, to communicate remotely, to travel fast...

The dream is in you

That's the funny part - the dream is in you and that means everybody you interact with  in the dream - even you...
Because the main similarity between these dimensions is that you still have "Consciousness" - even though you might not look the same way (or even have the same name).
Dreams are the safest thing you can experience, (i.e : what's the worst that can happen really? ... waking up ... end of the list).  

And then you realize that you have been asleep while awake and while dreaming. Because becoming lucid you understand fundamentally that you're creating your own reality.

The bottom line is : it will always be your own experience.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Jessica Serran

Jessica Serran is a Canadian artist, fascinated by the unseen, the unheard and the unspoken - and she is currently having an Art exhibition at the Bĕhal Fejér Institute (651/8 Pevnostni Praha 6 - near Dejvická metro station)

Jessica is looking into the Czech psyche through 10 paintings that are a visual maps of conversations she had with Czech people. She defines herself as a "Psycho-cartographer". More or less like Andrew Park from the "RSA Animate project".

It certainly is interesting to see through these paintings, how Jessica perceives cultural differences, and trace patterns, and behavior that are in a way typical for the Czech. I don't think there was a Golem though.

The initial opening was 23.5.2013 but there will be other date : 6, 9, 10, 13 , 22 and 23 in June.
"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."
-- Anaïs Nin

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How to Build a Universe

Challenging time

The current time is filled with new challenges, it's in the air. We live in a time of transition, and we have this choice either to accept the change or to resist the upcoming evolution.

Nothing can be certain, and nothing ever was held as the truth unanimously recognized as such. The fact is there is probably not such thing as an Universal truth - only fragments the each and every one of us hold as their truth.

But there is change and change has always been the modus operandi of this Universe. Nothing is set, everything evolve, update, transform, ...

Laws and Order

Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.

Change is something already occurring, people are awakening in mass ; and start to question "what is reality ?" in fact simple things that we always took for granted, start to amaze people, to mesmerize their interests, why do we have to live like we are never going to die ? why do we pretend to like jobs we don't like ? why have I never stopped and look inside for what I always wanted to do with my life ?

What if we are the creator of our own reality ?
How to Build a Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later: Unless we can psychologically accommodate change, we ourselves begin to die, inwardly. What I am saying is that objects, customs, habits, and ways of life must perish so that the authentic human being can live. And it is the authentic human being who matters most, the viable, elastic organism which can bounce back, absorb, and deal with the new.

-- Philip K. Dick
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A new language


A new language

At some stage humanity will have to re-invent language (or found it again) - the way we have communicated so far, doesn't fit the bill.
Somehow intentions, sources, experiences are left when a sentence is given.

Gospel Of Philip: Names given to the worldly are very deceptive, for they divert our thoughts from what is correct to what is incorrect. Thus one who hears the word "God" does not perceive what is correct, but perceives what is incorrect. So also with "the Father" and "the Son" and "the Holy Spirit" and "life" and "light" and "resurrection" and "the Church (Ekklesia)" and all the rest - people do not perceive what is correct but they perceive what is incorrect, unless they have come to know what is correct. The names which are heard are in the world [...] deceive. If they were in the Aeon (eternal realm), they would at no time be used as names in the world. Nor were they set among worldly things. They have an end in the Aeon.


In the Bible, the story of Babel is a turning point, when the people lost their abilities to talk properly to each other, after that the confusion of languages started.
On the other hand, during Pentecost something happen that is of great augur :

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other languages, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language. Acts 2:1–6 in all major bibles